Hello there!!
This posting is about a lesson/activity over primary colors! This fun activity can be used to teach kinder or first graders what primary colors are, and what different colors they can create when they are mixed together. Before starting this activity with the students, I highly recommend that you, the teacher, briefly explain what primary colors are. Once the students have an idea of what are or aren't primary colors, the fun can begin! The objective of this activity is to show the students how primary colors can create new ones when they are mixed. It is best that the class is broken up into groups of three or four at the most. Each group should have a paper plate with a dollop of each primary color on it, a paint brush, a cup of water to clean out the brushes between colors, and a paper with a triangle drawn on there. On each side of the triangle, a circle should be drawn. Also, at each point on the triangle, a primary color needs to be labeled there. Use the pictures below for any clarification, if need be.
To get the activity started, the students should paint one of the primary colors in each circle. Each color has its own circle. Once that has been completed, the students will take turns mixing a primary color with another, to create a new color. Please see the pictures below for a better understanding of my explanation. Do this to each circle, and be sure to remind the students to observe the change in the color. After this has been done to every color, a discussion would be nice to see what they students learned from this activity. I really hope you enjoyed this post!
DaVonna Edgerson
This is what the paper should look like, along with the paint on the plate. Each point of the triangle should have its designated color. |
This is showing the student painting one of the primary colors in one of the circles. |
The student is painting the other circle yellow. |
This is when the student starts mixing the colors. Here, the student mixed yellow and blue. You can see the color changing to green. |
This is the same thing happening with the colors, yellow and red. The color orange is now forming. |
This is the blue circle. |
The student added red, so that the color could be changed to purple. |
This is the final product of the activity. |
Here is a link to a video about primary colors.