Monday, February 23, 2015


Hello there,
        I recently created an activity over suffixes, that I am eager to share! My class is currently reading one of Maya Angelou's book, Rainbow in the Cloud: The Wisdom and Spirit of Maya Angelou. Because the word, rainbow, is in the title of the book, I thought it would be cute to input it into the design of the activity. I created six rainbow images and glued it onto the poster board. At the end of each rainbow, I attached one side of a velcro strip,  so that the students would be able to add a cloud to the end of each rainbow. There are twelve clouds in total. Six clouds have root words on them, and the other six has suffixes. On each cloud, I attached one side of the velcro to the poster board, and the other side of it on the cloud. Just place the velcro strips on the clouds and at the end of the rainbows, ensuring that they will stick. The objective of the activity is to correctly match each root word to its corresponding suffix. The words that I chose for this activity came from Maya Angelou's book. This is an interactive activity that can be put towards prefixes as well, corresponding with any book of your choice. I hope you enjoy!


     DaVonna Edgerson

Here are the rainbows, that are glued onto the poster board. The clouds are velcroed to the poster board.

Here is an example of what the student would do. I put a root word, walk, at one end of the rainbow.

Here is a picture showing that I attached another cloud to the other end of the same rainbow with the suffix, -ing, creating a new word, walking.

Check out this helpful link!

Diversity Project

Hello there,
     Here is a fun activity that I am currently working on for a class. For my Program Organization class, I had to do a presentation on diversity. Diversity is just not all about different cultures, ethnicity, and backgrounds. Diversity can be the outlook of someone of a certain gender, someone's social economic status, religious status, biracial family, single family, refugee, and many more. I decided to do my diversity project over the continent of Africa. To add some creativity and visual to my project, I am in the process of making a salt dough map. A salt dough map is basically a map of whatever region you are focusing on, which in my case is Africa, that is created with dough. It is just a fun visual to create, versus an ordinary poster board of pictures. The steps to make this is as follows. I made a concoction of flour, water, and salt, creating a doughy solution. I then traced my continent on a poster board. After kneading the dough to make it stick, I placed it on the cardboard, filling in the shape of Africa. When the dough is completely dried, that is the time to paint the map. My map actually just dried last night, so when I get in from the day, I will then begin to paint my map. I attached two pictures of the map. One pictures is after I had filled in the map, from when I traced it. The other picture shows how I added height to some particular areas of the map to show the different elevations in Africa. When the project is completely done, I will be sure to post pictures of it painted, displaying the mountains and rivers of Africa. This activity can be done with students as well! Just be sure to provide a smaller portion of all the materials, so that it can be convenient for clean-up and time purposes! I really hope you enjoyed this!


   DaVonna Edgerson

This is the picture of the map, after I filled in what I traced.

This is the picture of the map with the elevations I created, creating a physical map.

Here is a helpful link that explains how to make a salt dough recipe:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Time Blogging!

Hi there! It actually feels weird to be writing a blog. I have always wanted to create a blog, and know what it is like to keep up with one. This is very fun and interesting for me! Some things that I would love, and plan on posting about on my blog, will be a few lesson plans that I have created for a class, and along with my thoughts on something that I may have observed throughout the day. I'll be looking forward into getting really comfortable with this, so that I can really "spill" all of my ideas and thoughts on here! I'm actually in the middle of working on an activity on prefixes now. As soon as it is completed, I'll be back to display my work!

DaVonna E.

Here is the link to my blog, along with a nice quote.