Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Time Blogging!

Hi there! It actually feels weird to be writing a blog. I have always wanted to create a blog, and know what it is like to keep up with one. This is very fun and interesting for me! Some things that I would love, and plan on posting about on my blog, will be a few lesson plans that I have created for a class, and along with my thoughts on something that I may have observed throughout the day. I'll be looking forward into getting really comfortable with this, so that I can really "spill" all of my ideas and thoughts on here! I'm actually in the middle of working on an activity on prefixes now. As soon as it is completed, I'll be back to display my work!

DaVonna E.

Here is the link to my blog, along with a nice quote.

1 comment:

  1. Posting lesson plan ideas is a great use of a professional blog!
